Waddell Phillips joins with other foreign lawyers as amici curiae at the Supreme Court of the United States in the important corporate accountability case of Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe I —
Oct 21, 2020 – Waddell Phillips has co-signed an amicus brief filed at the Supreme Court of the United States in Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe I. The brief can be read here: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/19/19-416/158368/20201021124552826_Nestle%20Amicus%20Brief.Final.October.20.2020.pdf
The plaintiff/respondents in this case are former enslaved children who were kidnapped and forced to work on cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast for up to fourteen hours without pay. This case is regarding whether this claim can be properly determined by courts in the United States.
The amicus brief argues that 1) international law allows states to exercise jurisdiction over their citizens, including corporations, regardless of where they operate, and 2) foreign states, including Canada, routinely assert jurisdiction over domestic corporations regardless of where they operate.